Frequently Asked Questions About Coolsculpting

Freeze away fat with no downtime, no surgery and no pain with Coolsculpting. You can go back to work, return to the gym or do your regular activities after the treatment. Here are the following frequently asked questions about Coolsculpting.

  • How do I know if I am a good candidate for Coolsculpting? This is ideal for people who have pockets of fat that have become resistant to diet and exercise efforts. If you have noticeable bulges in certain areas that include under the chin, inner and outer thighs, upper and lower abdomen, and others.
  • Is Coolsculpting safe? As proof for how safe it is, it has been FDA-cleared for treating fat bulges in the submental, thigh, abdomen, and flanks.
  • When will I see results? The results vary from patient to patient. However, you can expect to see noticeable results as soon as 3 weeks post treatment. You will be able to see dramatic results 4-6 months after treatment.

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